
Take up the major challenge of our century and be part of climate action

A factory chimney emits fumes into the atmosphere.

The challenge

The climate emergency is undeniable. With IPCC forecasts predicting a temperature rise of over 4°C by 2100, and catastrophic consequences for human populations, the climate crisis must be managed as a matter of urgency.

In this context, companies have a dual role to play: to decarbonize their activities pragmatically, and to adapt their business strategies to the risks associated with the climate emergency.

As various sectors mobilize, how can organizations get involved to promote and contribute to a decarbonized society while mitigating climate risks?

Our approach

COESIO offers a pragmatic approach to climate mitigation and adaptation for your business. Together, we aim for concrete results: reducing your greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, adapting your business model to climate risks and capturing innovation opportunities.

Our team will help you carry out a diagnosis of your organization in order to improve its climate performance: GHG emissions assessment, analysis of physical and transitional risks, feasibility analysis of your decarbonization plan, and more.

In this way, your company will be fully prepared to contribute to the fight against climate change and seize the opportunities of a decarbonized economy.
Two people are discussing graphics on a computer.

Our solutions

GHG emissions balance


Climate risk analysis


Analysis of industry best practices


A mountain is reflected in a lake on a cloudy day.

The challenge

On a global scale, the devastating events associated with climate change are becoming more frequent, as demonstrated by the significant increase in the frequency and scale of natural disasters.

This climate emergency represents a major challenge for SMEs. Faced with the alarming forecasts of the scientific community and the serious risks to their operations, supply chains, and reputations, the leaders of these companies are feeling the growing pressure to commit to decarbonizing and adapting their activities.

Our expertise in decarbonization strategy and climate risk management enables you to navigate these major challenges with confidence and ambition.

Our approach

At COESIO, we offer you a strategic approach to climate challenges. Our expertise in decarbonization and climate risk management will guide you toward clear, achievable objectives while respecting your organizational reality.

Together, we draw up a roadmap for reducing your GHG emissions and adapting your business model to the realities of climate change.

With our support, you can seize opportunities for innovation and decarbonization, strengthening your position as a sustainable company.
Two people are discussing graphics on a tablet.

Our solutions

Decarbonization roadmap


Targets for reducing your GHG emissions


Climate risk adaptation plan


Two long factory chimneys emit smoke into the atmosphere.

The challenge

The climate emergency is a major challenge for today's SMEs. Faced with the IPCC's alarming forecasts, the leaders of these companies are feeling the growing pressure to commit to the societal transition needed to combat the climate emergency.

Climate disruption poses serious risks to their operations, supply chains, and reputations. SMEs also have an essential role to play in the fight against global warming by decarbonizing their activities.

Together, we must rise to these challenges to achieve a sustainable transition for our society, while maintaining the long-term viability of our organizations.

Our approach

At COESIO, we operationalize your climate strategy through an approach rooted in change management best practices.

With our expertise in decarbonization, climate risk management and operational excellence, we help you take action to reduce your GHG emissions and effectively adapt your business model to climate challenges.

Our co-construction approach includes empowering your teams for smooth implementation, coaching your members on sustainability topics and budgeting appropriately for your initiatives.
Large solar panels under a slightly cloudy blue sky.

Our solutions

Change management


Coaching and awareness workshops


Financing decarbonation


An audience listens to a lecture in a packed room.

The challenge

The climate imperative presents a colossal challenge for today's SMEs. Faced with the IPCC's alarming forecasts, the leaders of these companies feel under constant pressure to lead the societal transition needed to combat the climate emergency.

In this context, companies need to establish effective reporting structures on climate issues. Why and how should we measure GHG emissions, how far should we go, and how can we be held to account by the authorities? These are just some of the issues that are holding back SMEs from taking action.

Together, we need to tackle these challenges to ensure a sustainable transition for our society, while allowing efforts to be communicated proportionately.

Our approach

At COESIO, we specialize in reporting on your efforts to combat climate change, an essential step towards sustainability and transparency.

Our expert team can help you align your practices with international climate reporting standards, such as ISSB, SBTi, CDP, TCFD, GRI or ISO 14064-1.

We help you to draw up comprehensive and relevant non-financial reports, highlighting your decarbonization actions and your efforts to adapt your activities in the face of climate risks.

Two people in suits show each other the contents of graphs and analyses.

Our solutions

GHG emissions report


Climate risk report


Alignment with international standards



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