
Integrate circularity into your business model for sustainable innovation

A thin plastic bag floats in the middle of the ocean.

The challenge

Our economic system is based on the unlimited exploitation of resources and raw materials. This system does not allow natural ecosystems to regenerate in a viable way, and therefore companies, which depend heavily on ecosystem services, to be sustainable in the long term.

At the same time, pressure is mounting from stakeholders for companies and organizations to drastically reduce their residual materials and adopt a circular economy model.

With this in mind, company directors and managers are faced with the challenge of finding the tools, methods and approaches they need to take this issue seriously.

Our approach

While residual materials management (RMM) is often driven from a compliance perspective, we aim to help companies realize the full potential of circular and systemic thinking.

Such an approach to waste management aims to reduce waste first, then recover it more effectively, to achieve economic gains for the company, its stakeholders, and society.

COESIO proposes to support company managers in the deployment of an effective RMM structure, to better grasp waste hotspots, identify the potential for improvement, structure monitoring, and implement actions according to the 5R hierarchy (refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, return to earth).
A hand has just lifted some blue plastic granules.

Our solutions

Analysis of residual materials management


Development of characterization methodologies


Economic analysis of waste management


A person throwing a paper cup into a recycling garbage can.

The challenge

Our economic system is based on the unlimited exploitation of resources and raw materials. This system does not allow natural ecosystems to regenerate in a viable way and therefore prevents businesses, which depend heavily on ecosystem services, from being sustainable in the long term.

To plan a successful transition to a circular economy, companies need to know what inputs and outputs are problematic, the characteristics of alternative ingredients derived from recycling, the needs of other industries for outputs, the monetary value of outputs, and so on.

Managers have difficulty navigating this multitude of key information. COESIO offers a structured approach to help you overcome these difficulties.

Our approach

Our strategic approach revolutionizes the way you manage your waste, offering much more than just compliance. At COESIO, we propel your organization towards circular and systemic thinking, unlocking the hidden potential of your waste.

Together, we aim for tangible economic, environmental, and social gains for your company, your stakeholders, and society.

Our team supports your managers in setting up an effective, ambitious, and circular waste management structure. Our expertise enables us to deploy strategies rooted in your reality, while aiming to reduce your environmental footprint according to the 5R hierarchy: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and return to earth.
A scientist holds plastic filaments in his hands.

Our solutions

Development of a 5R and circular economy roadmap


GMR policy and circular economy


Change management


A small pile of blue plastic granules.

The challenge

Our current economic system is based on limitless exploitation of resources and raw materials, depleting natural ecosystems faster than they can regenerate. This is evidenced by the continuous shift of the global exceedance day, from December 29 in 1970 to July 28 in 2022.

At the same time, companies are coming under increasing pressure from stakeholders (customers, governments, principals) to account for their efforts associated with the circularity of their waste.

How can you report on your company's circular economy efforts? What data to collect, what comparisons to measure? How do you communicate your successes?

Our approach

At COESIO, we understand the importance of transparency and accountability in sustainable development.

Our accountability-based approach enables you to effectively communicate your waste management initiatives, and celebrate the progress you've made thanks to everyone's involvement.

With our expertise, you'll be able to communicate your sustainability achievements with confidence, strengthening your credibility with your stakeholders.
One person annotates a paper document with graphs and percentages.

Our solutions

Residual materials management report


Circularity report for your materials


Coming soon



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